Subject matter
The Foundation carries out its activities with a view to implement the strategy and policies of the European Green Deal in all its dimensions, the Paris Agreement on climate change, the EU Sustainable Development Goals and other international instruments and programmes - on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as in cooperation with other interested official authorities and/or academic institutions and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), located in EU Member States in Central and South-Eastern Europe, all other EU Member States, all countries in the Western Balkans, the Eastern and the Southern Neighbourhoods of the EU, and in any other countries of the world, whose activity is similar to that of the NET ZERO FOUNDATION International Climate Network Foundation.
In carrying out its activities, the Foundation will also be guided by the European Commission’s Directives on the ubiquitous digitalization of the European market and society, as well as by respect for the rule of law as a requirement for EU funding.
The unifying goal of the above-mentioned international strategies and agreements is to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Europe and in the world by 2050 ("climate neutrality"), hence the name of the Foundation. The term Net Zero has gained worldwide acceptance in both professional circles and the media.
1. To systematically and thoroughly study the strategies and policies, related to the implementation of the European Green Deal, as well as their interrelationship with the goals and principles of the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015; to monitor and analyze technological, innovative and socially important developments in the international and the Bulgarian climate science, the energy transition and restructuring processes in industry, transport, construction and agriculture, taking into account the principles of sustainable development, incl. achieving a circular economy. Close attention will be paid to understanding the criteria and requirements of the Green Taxonomy.
2. To gain reliable expertise on all issues of energy and economy decarbonization, incl. European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and the forthcoming Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) to be applicable to imports and exports into/from the Common European Market, Bulgaria being an external border member state.
3. To support and develop its expert potential with regard to the position of the European Commission for establishing and maintaining an organic functional link in the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility between overcoming the COVID-19 crisis and the implementation of EGD policies and projects. Based on the medical expertise at home and abroad, the Foundation will develop a concept for improving the health and physical status of the Bulgarian citizens, highlighting preventive, sports and convalescent medicine, new methodologies for therapies and designer "medicines", as well as stimulating a "green" lifestyle.
4. To create a framework for regular contacts and cooperation with the Bulgarian parliament and all ministries and government agencies responsible for the implementation of the Green Deal in Bulgaria, in order to assist those government policies, programs and projects that meet the goals and the ambitions of the Foundation, and the interests of the Bulgarian citizens. In the same context and with the same objectives, the Foundation will develop and maintain cooperation with district administrations, municipalities and mayors.
5. The Foundation will establish contacts and forms of cooperation with non-governmental organisations in Bulgaria, which are engaged or interested in joint work with us for the sustainable development of Bulgaria, and in the achievement of the goals of the Green Deal on its territory.
6. A significant part of the Foundation's activities will be aimed at informing the Bulgarian citizens about the potential and the importance of the European Green Deal through conducting consultations, surveys, lectures and public discussions on the whole range of the Green Deal and the EU Sustainable Development Goals. The Foundation will maintain a website and a blog and its entire social activity will seek to implement the recommendation of the European Commission to create a physical and virtual space for public information and debate on the implementation of the European Green Deal.
7. The main goal of the Foundation’s activity will be the gradual creation of a strong and reliable expertise, relying on Bulgarian and foreign experts, operating in a Network /hence the name - International Network/. In this way, independently or jointly with local and foreign experts, the Foundation aims to become an established Consultant on the issue of the Green Deal. The Foundation will also apply to participate in projects, announced by the EC. For these purposes, the Foundation will establish working contacts as well as joint research and development groups with Bulgarian and foreign universities, think tanks, incubators and laboratories.
8. The Foundation will establish contacts and possible cooperation with authorities and / or non-governmental organisations in SEE, Eastern and Southern Partnership countries, with which it intends to support EU energy diplomacy.
9. The Foundation will maintain working contacts with the competent Commissioners and Directorates-General in the European Commission, the European Parliament and other European institutions in order to carry out its activities and objectives effectively.
10. The Foundation will constantly expand its communication with natural and legal persons that deal with, or share, both professionally or as citizens, the strategies and the objectives of the European Green Deal, so that over time it will become an authoritative professional and civic network on a national and international level in regard to issues such as climate change, energy transition and sustainable development. The Foundation will aim at having at least 30% of its network of partners and members to represent individuals in their 20s and 30s in order to ensure the intellectual and physical continuity of its mission to 2050 and beyond.